Rumah sakit terbaik di Dunia

By - Chika Chubby -

#1Bumrungrad Medical Center
Bangkok, Thailand

Bumrungrad International adalah terakreditasi internasional, multi-rumah sakit khusus yang terletak di jantung kota Bangkok, Thailand. Didirikan pada tahun 1980, hari ini adalah rumah sakit swasta terbesar di Asia Tenggara, dengan 554 tempat tidur dan lebih dari 30 pusat-pusat khusus. Bumrungrad menawarkan state-of-the-art diagnostik, terapeutik dan fasilitas perawatan intensif di pusat medis satu atap.

Bumrungrad melayani lebih dari satu juta pasien setiap tahunnya. Lebih dari 400.000 adalah internasional. Mereka termasuk ribuan ekspatriat yang tinggal di Bangkok dan negara-negara di dekatnya, ditambah pengunjung dari 190 negara di seluruh dunia yang datang ke sini untuk perawatan. Bahasa Inggris digunakan secara luas. Rumah sakit ini memiliki kantor koordinasi staf medis oleh dokter, perawat, dan interpreter yang melayani kebutuhan khusus para pasien internasional.

Bumrungrad adalah perusahaan publik yang diperdagangkan di bursa saham Thailand. Ini telah ditampilkan oleh 60 Minutes CBS, NBC, Äôs Today Show, Time, Newsweek, dan lainnya
internasional pers sebagai pemimpin dalam wisata medis.

Pernyataan Misi
Kami menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan kelas dunia dengan perawatan dan kasih sayang.

Pernyataan Misi - Pedoman Prinsip
Kami berpedoman tujuan utama kami untuk memuaskan pelanggan kami.
Kami berkomitmen untuk kesejahteraan staf kami dan perkembangan.
Kami terus-menerus meningkatkan kualitas dari segala yang kami lakukan.
Kami berusaha untuk keunggulan profesional dan inovasi dalam segala yang kita lakukan.
Kami menerima keragaman budaya dengan perhotelan Thailand.
Kami berusaha untuk membuat segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan "Kelas Dunia".
Kami terpercaya, jujur, dan etis dalam semua urusan.
Kami bekerja sebagai satu tim dan berbagi apa yang kita tahu.
Kami warga perusahaan yang baik.
Kami beroperasi dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan.

Kebijakan Lingkungan
Bumrungrad Internasional berkomitmen untuk melindungi lingkungan global dan
konservasi energi dan sumber daya alam. Kami mendukung upaya untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kesehatan dan keselamatan masyarakat dan kami berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang mendukung prinsip-prinsip ini.

Kebijakan Lingkungan - Pedoman Prinsip
Rumah Sakit akan membentuk lingkungan, kesehatan, dan kebijakan keamanan yang sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah dan standar dunia dan memastikan bahwa staf dan kontraktor benar dididik dan dilatih dalam kebijakan.
Setiap anggota staf dan kontraktor di lokasi Rumah Sakit yang diharapkan untuk mengikuti kebijakan lingkungan Rumah Sakit dan melaporkan setiap lingkungan, kesehatan atau keselamatan menyangkut manajemen untuk mengambil tindakan yang tepat.
Kami akan meminimalkan dampak lingkungan dari operasional rumah sakit pada masyarakat tetangga karena potensi bahaya seperti air pengelolaan limbah infeksius, dll
Kami akan menghormati penggunaan sumber daya alam dengan berpartisipasi dalam konservasi energi, inisiatif dan mendukung daur ulang bahan.
Kami akan melakukan audit yang ketat dan ulasan kepatuhan Rumah Sakit dengan kebijakan lingkungan kita dan berusaha untuk terus menerus memperbaiki lingkungan.

Mrs Karen Carter: Chief Operating Officer
Mrs Chan Lee Khor-Yow: Direktur Keuangan
Mr Mack Banner: Chief Excutive Officer

Manajemen Bumrungrad
Curtis Schroeder
Group CEO

Bumrungrad Internasional dikelola oleh tim berpengalaman administrator rumah sakit dari Amerika, Australia, Singapura Thailand, dan Inggris.

Rumah sakit itu, Ketua Äôs medis papan bersertifikat di Inggris. Its Group Direktur Medis papan bersertifikat di Amerika Serikat. Lainnya petugas medis telah dilatih di AS atau Inggris, dan / atau posisi diadakan di salah satu Thailand, Äôs rumah sakit pendidikan atas.

Bumrungrad, tujuan Äôs adalah untuk menyediakan kelas dunia kedokteran dan layanan. Hal ini dipandu oleh empat kriteria:
Tujuan kualitas perawatan profesional;
Kepuasan pasien dengan perawatan dan pelayanan;
Staf kepuasan; dan
Perbaikan terus-menerus.

Rumah sakit tidak hanya menerima tetapi mencari review pihak ketiga yang independen dari kualitasnya. Cari tahu lebih lanjut mengenai akreditasi di sini. Untuk rincian lebih lanjut tentang perusahaan, kunjungi hubungan investor domestik halaman di situs Web kami.

Layanan & Fasilitas
Kampus Bumrungrad Medis Internasional
Bumrungrad International adalah kampus medis yang lengkap terdiri dari:
554 tempat tidur, rumah sakit perawatan tersier termasuk laboratorium bersertifikat internasional dan farmasi, fasilitas canggih pencitraan, pusat penelitian klinis, dan heliport medis.

Sebuah bangunan klinik rawat jalan baru, salah satu yang terbesar di dunia, yang adalah rumah bagi banyak dari 30 kita + pusat khusus;
125 kamar hotel dan apartemen servis di dua bangunan kampus untuk memulihkan keluarga dan pasien.
Evakuasi Medis
Layanan Bandara
Perjalanan dan Pelayanan Visa
Bumrungrad Residence dan Suites

Bangunan utama 12-cerita dibuka pada tahun 1997. A 22-cerita baru membangun rumah pusat pemeriksaan kesehatan dan klinik rawat jalan pelayanan mulai tahun ini. Bangunan memenuhi rumah sakit AS (NFPA) kebakaran dan standar keselamatan.

Untuk rincian lebih lanjut dari fasilitas medis dan teknologi, lihat LI kita.

Layanan bagi pasien internasional meliputi:

Kantor Koordinasi Medis Internasional: 7 dokter dan 12 perawat mengkoordinasikan penjadwalan prosedur, pertanyaan keluarga petugas selama pengobatan, dan tindak lanjut perencanaan perawatan.
Bahasa: Kami memiliki Layanan Pelanggan Perwakilan yang berbahasa Inggris, Thai, Arab, Bengali, Kamboja, Cina, Perancis, Jerman, Jepang, Korea, dan Vietnam. pengaturan khusus dapat dibuat untuk bahasa lain.
Layanan Airport: Bumrungrad beroperasi meja sendiri di daerah kedatangan (wilayah C) di Bangkok, bandara Äôs baru. Kita bisa bertemu pasien dan memberikan pelayanan pesawat-ke-rumah sakit VIP.
Perjalanan dan Visa Jasa: Salah satu lembaga atas perjalanan Asia, Diethelm Perjalanan, memiliki kantor di Bumrungrad untuk memberikan perjalanan atau akomodasi lokal untuk pasien dan keluarga mereka. Thai Home Departemen mengoperasikan layanan di rumah sakit seminggu sekali untuk memproses visa ekstensi.
Kami menawarkan enam jenis kamar yang berbeda, dari 4 tempat tidur dan tempat tidur 2 unit hingga Royal Suites. Lihat kenyamanan ruang, rencana lantai, gambar, dan tingkat.

Untuk lebih lanjut tentang apartemen kami, lihat halaman kita tentang Bumrungrad Residences dan Suites.

Kampus ini menawarkan restoran, toko, dan layanan lainnya untuk kenyamanan Anda.

Hubungi Kami
33 Sukhumvit 3 (Soi Nana Nua), Wattana, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

Telepon: +662 667 1000
Fax: +662 667 2525
Darurat: + 662 667 2999


#2 Parkway Health Care

Parkway adalah grup kesehatan terkemuka yang berbasis di Singapura, operasi 16 rumah sakit dengan lebih dari 3.400 tempat tidur di Asia, serta pusat-pusat bantuan pasien di seluruh dunia. Memiliki jaringan yang luas di Asia, Eropa dan Timur Tengah dengan ParkwayHealth Pasien Bantuan Pusat (PPAC) di Bangladesh, Brunei, Kamboja, Cina, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Filipina, Rusia, Arab Saudi, Sri Lanka, Ukraina, Uni Emirat Arab dan Vietnam. Dengan tim yang terdiri dari lebih dari 1.200 terakreditasi mencakup 40 spesialis spesialisasi yang berbeda, Parkway berkomitmen untuk visi untuk menjadi pemimpin global dalam kesehatan terpadu berbasis nilai.

Dengan 16 rumah sakit di Asia, lebih dari 3.400 tempat tidur dan keahlian lebih dari 1.200 profesional medis terakreditasi, Parkway adalah penyedia kesehatan swasta terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan menawarkan spektrum yang luas dari layanan medis. Di Singapura, Parkway mengoperasikan tiga rumah sakit terkenal - Timur Parkway Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital dan Mount Elizabeth Hospital, beberapa pusat pengobatan dan jaringan yang luas klinik perawatan primer. operasional kami didukung oleh serangkaian penuh diagnostik dan layanan laboratorium dan keadaan fasilitas seni. Ke depan, Parkway akan segera meluncurkan sebuah rumah sakit baru di daerah Novena dari Singapura, yang akan menampilkan teknologi unggul dalam segala aspeknya, dari peralatan untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya dan sistem kerja, sehingga memungkinkan integrasi perawatan pasien, obat-obatan dan administrasi.

Untuk membuat perbedaan dalam kehidupan masyarakat melalui perawatan pasien yang sangat baik.

Pemimpin global dalam perawatan kesehatan terpadu berbasis nilai. \

Orang-orang di atas semua ... dengan memperlakukan orang-orang yang kami layani dan satu sama lain dengan belas kasih, martabat, integritas dan saling menghormati. Keunggulan ... dengan berusaha untuk yang terbaik klinis, layanan dan hasil operasional. Hasil ... by melebihi harapan masyarakat yang kami layani dan mereka yang kita tetapkan untuk diri kita sendiri.

Beberapa Peran Klinis

Terdaftar Perawat
Resident Medical Officer
Diagnostik pasien dan
Terapis Radiasi
Kedokteran Nuklir teknologi
Occupational Therapist
Pidato Therapist
Teknologi Medis
Beberapa Klinis Peran rokok

Operasi Eksekutif / Pengawas
Bisnis Eksekutif Kantor
Koki / Masakan
Ahli diet
M & E Engineer / Teknisi
Audio-Visual Teknisi
Teknik biomedis
Sistem Analis / Engineers
Keuangan Eksekutif
Sumber Daya Manusia Eksekutif
Bisnis Eksekutif Kantor
Eksekutif Pemasaran
Kesehatan Dosen
Hubungi Kami:
Somerset Parkway Holdings Limited TripleOne 111 Somerset Road # 15-01 Singapore 238164


#3 Rumah Sakit Matilda
Hongkong, China

Matilda International Hospital (MIH) adalah penyedia layanan kesehatan terkemuka berkomitmen untuk kualitas tertinggi dan detail terbaik dalam perawatan pasien.

Rumah sakit mewarisi kekayaan arsitektur, budaya dan sejarah yang terkait erat dengan masa lalu romantis dari Hong Kong. Bersama-sama dengan situs yang spektakuler memerintah napas-mengambil pemandangan Laut Cina Selatan, yang MIH memiliki semua elemen kunci dari suatu bentuk usaha kelas dunia.

akomodasi hotel kami menawarkan gaya pribadi, kembar atau kamar dengan fasilitas standar en-suite. Semua kamar dilengkapi dengan peralatan medis di samping sentuhan mewah. kamar pribadi tersedia dengan balkon.

Komitmen kami untuk standar tertinggi didukung oleh program jaminan kualitas yang komprehensif.

Hanya 15 menit dari Hong Kong pusat, MIH terletak di tanjung sendiri di puncak Victoria Peak bersejarah di Hong Kong Island. Sebuah bus antar-jemput membentang antara rumah sakit dan Old Star Ferry Pier Tengah.

Dalam perayaan Tahun seratus kami, kami telah mengembangkan jangkauan kita ke masyarakat lokal dan internasional dengan pembukaan Medis Matilda Centre (MMC). Sekarang di Tengah jantung 852-2537 8500.

"Bekerja dalam kemitraan dengan dokter untuk memberikan layanan kesehatan dengan kemanusiaan dan keunggulan.

"Untuk menjadi terkenal di dunia di pusat-pusat keunggulan kami."

Perawatan Bedah

Hari Kasus Unit
Prosedur endoskopi
Bedah Hernia
Bedah ortopedi
Bedah Plastik
Sekutu Kesehatan

Pusat Imaging
Ahli diet
Maternity Care

Bayi & Keselamatan
Maternity Update
Informasi Berguna
Critical Care

Unit Perawatan Intensif
Unit Ketergantungan Tinggi
Khusus Unit Perawatan Bayi
Perawatan Darurat
Kedokteran Keluarga

Departemen Rawat Jalan
Matilda Medical Centre (Tengah)
Pediatrik Perawatan
Wellness Program

Eksekutif Penilaian Kesehatan
Informasi Kesehatan
Kesehatan Kelas
Kesehatan Talks
Video Kesehatan Online
Telepon & E-Mail:
Rumah Sakit Utama:
2849 0111

Alamat Email:
Kantor Pendaftaran:

Hubungan Manajer Klien:

Kode panggilan internasional untuk Hong Kong adalah 852.


#4 Prince Of Wales Hospital

Sydney, Australia

The Prince of Wales rumah sakit pendidikan di Sydney adalah pemimpin dalam sistem perawatan kesehatan nasional Australia. Terbaik dirahasiakan: lantai 5-7 adalah untuk pasien swasta dimanjakan.

The Prince of Wales Hospital merupakan rumah sakit pendidikan utama publik yang terletak di pinggiran timur dari Randwick Sydney, menyediakan berbagai layanan rumah sakit kepada orang-orang di New South Wales, Australia. Rumah sakit ini memiliki ikatan yang kuat ke University of New South Wales Wales.The Pangeran Hospital memiliki asal-usulnya tahun 1852 dengan pembentukan Masyarakat untuk Anak-anak miskin yang mendirikan Asylum untuk Anak-anak miskin dengan bangunan pertama dibuka pada 21 Maret 1858 di Paddington . Setelah banding atas dana pada tahun 1870, Catherine Hayes Rumah Sakit dibuka, konon dengan rencana yang disetujui oleh Florence Nightingale. Pada 1915, selama Perang Dunia Pertama rumah sakit telah dikonversi oleh Pemerintah NSW ke rumah sakit militer dan rumah sakit repatriasi, dan berganti nama menjadi Rumah Sakit Repatriasi Keempat Australia. Dalam 07 hubungan antara Rumah Sakit Pantai dan Keempat Australia Repatriasi Rumah Sakit di Randwick dimulai. Dengan pembukaan Concord Repatriation General Hospital pada tahun 1953, rumah sakit ini berganti nama Prince of Wales Hospital, dan dioperasikan sebagai bis dari Sydney Hospital. Restrukturisasi dan pembangunan kembali rumah sakit terus terjadi untuk meningkatkan fasilitas medis dan pasien rumah sakit, termasuk penggabungan dengan Prince Henry Hospital, Rumah Sakit Royal Sydney Selatan dan Timur Suburbs Rumah Sakit.

Info lebih lanjut :


#5 Centro Médico ABC
Mexico City, Mexico

Centro Medico ABC dianggap sebagai mahligai perawatan kesehatan swasta Meksiko, meskipun persaingan dari cepat naik Angeles Group, Star Medica dan Christus Muguerza.

Rumah Sakit ABC adalah "Pertama Swasta Medical Center di Meksiko" dalam hal tradisi, panggilan untuk melayani, senioritas, pengajaran, penelitian dan tanggung jawab sosial.

Pada tanggal 12 Desember yang Americano Hospital didirikan pada Calle Gabino Barreda di Colonia San Rafael, Mexico City.

The Cowdray Sanatorio dibuka pada Calle Mariano Escobedo dan kemudian akan datang dikenal sebagai "bahasa Inggris Rumah Sakit".

The Americano Rumah Sakit dan Sanatorio Cowdray bergabung untuk mendirikan The British American Cowdray Rumah Sakit, IAP, diatur dari saat ini pada oleh Dewan Pengawas, anggota yang mendukung lembaga altruistically.

Asosiasi Medis Medical Center ABC diciptakan sebagai tanggapan terhadap kebutuhan untuk nasihat medis khusus.

Kelompok Relawan Lady diciptakan, dibentuk oleh lebih dari 120 pembantu yang altruistically mendukung sejumlah daerah di Institusi.

Fasilitas baru dari ABC Medical Center yang dibuka pada Av. Observatorio.

Operasi dimulai di "Dr Ishak Blank Lavsky "terletak Brimex ABC Amal Klinik di Kampus Observatorio.

ABC Medical Center Santa Fe dibuka, unit rumah sakit yang dirancang untuk melengkapi layanan yang ditawarkan di Kampus Observatorio.

Kegiatan dimulai di ABC Amistad Charity Clinic di Santa Fe Kampus.

ABC Medical Center menandatangani perjanjian afiliasi dengan Methodist Internasional Houston, Texas, dengan tujuan untuk menjamin layanan yang saat ini menawarkan memenuhi standar internasional.

ABC Gyneco-Kebidanan dan Pediatric Center dibuka di Santa Fe Kampus untuk terus memberikan pelayanan medis paling maju dalam suasana kenyamanan, keamanan dan ketenangan bagi perempuan dan anak-anak.

ABC Medical Center menerima Akreditasi untuk yang Observatorio dan Santa Fe Kampus dari Joint Commission International.

ABC Cancer Center di Kampus Observatorio dibuka untuk menawarkan layanan perawatan yang komprehensif bagi penderita penyakit ini mengerikan. ABC Medical Center merupakan pusat kesehatan pertama dan satu-satunya di negara bersertifikat sesuai dengan kriteria yang disetujui oleh Dewan Kesehatan Umum (CSG) dan IHSG untuk kedua kampus tersebut.

ABC Medical Center saat ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi terbaru dan menikmati kolaborasi lebih dari 1.400 dokter di 40 spesialisasi. Dokter-dokter yang dianggap terbaik di negeri ini.

ABC Medical Center adalah Lembaga Bantuan Swasta (IAP) yang didedikasikan untuk keunggulan dalam promosi kesehatan, restorasi dan pelestarian.

ABC Staf:

Kami menawarkan kualitas, yang aman yang tinggi, berorientasi pelayanan pasien.
Kami menawarkan khusus tinggi dan pelayanan kesehatan umum untuk semua pasien kami.
Kami melatih para profesional kesehatan yang berkualitas dengan menggunakan berbagai metode pengajaran.
Kami mengembangkan program kesehatan masyarakat di masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah.
Diakui sebagai sistem perawatan kesehatan terkemuka di Meksiko.

Diakui oleh pasien dan keluarga mereka untuk efektivitas kami dalam mempromosikan, memelihara dan memulihkan kesehatan mereka dan untuk kualitas dan kehangatan layanan kami.

Diakui oleh dokter dan komunitas ilmiah sebagai tempat terbaik di negara ini untuk mempraktekkan profesi medis dan kemampuan kami untuk mengembangkan profesional baru dengan spesialisasi tinggi dan etika.

Diakui oleh staf kami sebagai menawarkan tempat kerja dengan suasana komitmen dan tingkat kinerja yang tinggi, kolaborasi dan pengembangan profesional.

Diakui oleh masyarakat pada umumnya untuk inovasi kami dan kedalaman dan cakupan layanan kesehatan kami serta dampak sosial dari program-program kesehatan di masyarakat kita masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah.


Pasien orientasi
Kerja sama
Komitmen untuk ABC
Info lebih lanjut:

What doctors say, and what they're really thinking

Here’s a little list of “Doc-isms” — What doctors say, and what they’re really thinking:

“This should be taken care of right away.”
I’d planned a trip to Hawaii next month but this is so easy and profitable that I want to fix it before it cures itself.

“Welllllll, what have we here…?”
He has no idea and is hoping you’ll give him a clue.

“Let me check your medical history.”
I want to see if you’ve paid your last bill before spending any more time with you.

“Why don’t we make another appointment later in the week.”
I’m playing golf this afternoon, and this a waste of time.
–or–I need the bucks, so I’m charging you for another office visit.

“We have some good news and some bad news.”
The good news is, I’m going to buy that new BMW. The bad news is, you’re going to pay for it.

“Let’s see how it develops.”
Maybe in a few days it will grow into something that can be cured.

“Let me schedule you for some tests.”
I have a forty percent interest in the lab.

“I’d like to have my associate look at you.”
He’s going through a messy divorce and owes me a bundle.

“I’d like to prescribe a new drug.”
I’m writing a paper and would like to use you for a guinea pig.

“If it doesn’t clear up in a week, give me a call.”
I don’t know what it is. Maybe it will go away by itself.

“That’s quite a nasty looking wound.”
I think I’m going to throw up.

“This may smart a little.”
Last week two patients bit off their tongues.

“Well, we’re not feeling so well today, are we…?”
I’m stalling for time. Who are you and why are you here?

“This should fix you up.”
The drug company slipped me some big bucks to prescribe this stuff.

“Everything seems to be normal.”
Rats! I guess I can’t buy that new beach condo after all.

“I’d like to run some more tests.”
I can’t figure out what’s wrong. Maybe the kid in the lab can solve this one.

“Do you suppose all this stress could be affecting your nerves?”
You’re crazier’n an outhouse rat. Now, if I can only find a shrink who’ll split fees with me …

“There is a lot of that going around.”
My God, that’s the third one this week. I’d better learn something about this.

“If those symptoms persist, call for an appointment.”
I’ve never heard of anything so disgusting. Thank God I’m off next week.

Protect Yourself from Medical Lab Errors

While many lab errors are out of your control, there are steps you can take to increase the chances of accurate results.

Ask your doctor about the lab she uses. It should be accredited and approved by the College of American Pathologists (a sign that it meets high standards).

If you can see the test tube or slide, double-check that your name is on it; if you're in the hospital, make sure your wristband is accurate.

If the result of the test is a surprise, ask your doctor: "Did you expect this? Do you think this is what I have?" If the answers are no, consider repeating the test.

Get a copy of all lab results and reports, suggests Susan Sheridan, president of Consumers Advancing Patient Safety. "Patients may not realize they have the right to these," she says.

Have a specialist read your slides. With a skin sample, for instance, you'll improve odds of the right diagnosis if it's viewed by a dermatopathologist, says Mark Lebwohl, M.D., chairman of dermatology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Your insurer may not cover a specialist, so you'll have to decide whether to pay for it yourself.

Testing Your Test: How to Get a Second Opinion
For certain diseases, false positives or false negatives are common, and some labs routinely have two pathologists read these more challenging slides. Labs may also elect to repeat tests before reporting certain diagnoses, such as HIV or cancer. But you also have the right to have your slides reviewed by another pathologist or another hospital, and for a serious diagnosis, that's smart. Ask your doctor where he suggests you send them. The office should be able to get the sample transferred (you'll probably have to sign a release and pay for records to be copied). If your doctor questions your request, you can call a lab yourself. "Specimens are part of your medical record and you have the right to them," says Stephen Raab, M.D., of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Most insurers will pay for a second opinion.

Urine culture

Direct Gram Stained Smear
If a direct Gram stain is ordered, make a smear of one drop of unspun urine. Large numbers of squamous epithelial cells indicate a "dirty-catch". WBC's indicate inflammation and possible infection. Report types of cells seen and relative cell quantitation. Report morphological types, relative numbers of bacteria seen, and Gram reactions. If bacteria are seen, there are at least 10/5 org/ml in the urine.

Useful Urinalysis Results.
“Culture if Indicated” and “Dirty Catch” Criteria
Since Gram stained direct smears of urine are not done routinely, the standardized "microscopic “done as part of urinalysis in the Clinical lab, provides similar information. Look at WBC, epithelial cell and bacterial quantity estimations and also nitrate and leukocyte esterase results. If an order is written, “culture if indicated”, a urine qualifies for culture if there are >5WBCs/HPF and <7-10>10 epithelial cells/LPF is a "dirty" catch. Even if there are >5WBCs/HPF, recollection prior to culture is suggested..

Urines Held for Possible Culture
All urines which qualify for culture according to the above criteria have a comment entered as part of the urinalysis which reads "Held for possible culture". The Clinical lab follows up on urines held for possible culture.

Culture Inoculation
Media: SBA incubated : 35 C CO2 incubator
MAC 35 C ambient air

SBA and MAC are inoculated with 0.001ml of well-mixed urine.

Examination of Cultures
Colony Count. The number of colonies growing on the SBA plate are counted or estimated to one significant number. As the plates were inoculated with 0.01 ml of urine, multiply the count by 1000 to obtain the count per ml. of urine.
10 colonies = 104 organisms/ml or 10,000 organisms/ml
confluent growth = more than 105 org/ml or more than 100,000 org/ml

MAC and SBA Plate Exam : After the total number of organisms grown is determined, then a breakdown quantitation is made for the various organisms growing using the quantitation terms “rare”, “few”, “moderate” and “many”.
"rare" Fewer than 103 (1000) org./ml. No significant growth. Minimal vaginal, urethral or fecal contamination unless the urine was a cath spec.

"few" 103 to 104 org./ml. (1000 to 10,000) No significant growth Probable low number vaginal, urethral or fecal contamination, especially if multiple organisms grown.

"moderate" 104 to 5.0 x 104 (10,000 to 50,000) Possible infection, especially if a pure culture. Growth if 3 or more organisms indicates probable urine contamination.

"many" 5.0 x 104 to >105 more ( 50,000 to >100,000) probable infection unless multiple normal flora genital organisms such as Lactobacillus or Gardnerella are grown.

Use "No significent growth", to report mixed culture growth of 2 or more organisms for clean catch urines with <10,000>10,000 organisms/ml for a clean catch urine. Assume that organisms grown from a cath urine are significent unless the specimen was taken from an indwelling or Foley catheter. The final decision whether to identify all organisms and/or to do susceptibility testing is the physician or caregivers.

If more three or more organisms are isolated, and the organisms are a mixture of skin flora or normal genital/vaginal flora organisms, do preliminary ID of organisms by plate examination and Gram stain if necessary, record morphotypes on logcard and report as "Three or more organisms grown indicates contamination at time of collection" . If a mixture of organisms is grown which are likely urinary pathogens - mixture of GNR, enterococci, yeast, staphylococci - consult with the physician before setting up the MIC susceptibilities or completely identifying the isolates.

Susceptibility Tests
A pure culture of 100,00 organisms/ml of an organism is indicative of a urinary tract infection. Lactobacilli, "diphtheroids”, or Gardnerella vaginalis MAY be pathogens. See Antimicrobial Susceptibility manual section for method for each organism. See also “Antimicrobial Susceptibility Codes” in benchtop flip charts. Set up susceptibility tests as directed in the Antimicrobial Susceptibility section of this manual.

Culture Interpretation

The most frequent contaminants are:
Staphylococcus epidermidis and other coagulase-negative staphylococci
streptococci - alpha and non-hemolytic, Group D/ not Group D
Gardnerella vaginalis

The most common organisms causing infection include:
Escherichia coli Streptococcus agalactiae
Proteus mirabilis Staphylococcus aureus
Klebsiella pneumoniae Staphylococcus epidermidis
any enterobacteriaceae Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Candida albicans
other Pseudomonas sp. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Acinetobacter sp.

Laboratory door decoration contest

Waktu penulis masih bekerja di Laboratorium Klinik Kedubes salah satu negara adidaya yang kantornya berlokasi di Jakarta, kalau tidak salah tahun 2008, saat menjelang perayaan hari Natal dan Tahun baru seperti biasanya di Embassy diadakan kontest dekorasi pintu, yang diikuti hampir seluruh bagian kantor dengan menampilkan tema yang unik-unik dan paling tidak mewakili fungsi kantor bersangkutan.
Sebenarnya Klinik sendiri juga ikutan merias pintunya dengan tema medis tentunya, tapi saya tidak mau ketinggalan tahun itu ikut berpartisipasi khusus mengikut sertakan pintu lab yang letaknya ada didalam klinik..
Bertema Laboratorium klinik saya mengambil beberapa item, pernak-pernik peralatan lab dan membuat hiasan pintu yang bertema laboratorium tentunya. Ada Jarum suntik, tips pipet, karet tourniquet, kayu untuk lidah, petri dish, tabung pengambilan darah, slide gelas, plester, pippette plastik, syringe, serum collection tube, capillary blood collection set, kayu buat ambil bahan tinja, stiker biohazard, tabung urine dan band aid. Tidak lupa sarung tangan dan plastik biohazzard.
Dan setelah jadi ternyata bos suka banget dengan kreasi yang saya buat, sampai dia ambil fotonya dan di kirimkan ke rekan-rekan Labtech-nya di embassy-embassy lain di luar negeri.
malah akhirnya masuk ke majalah khusus liputan medical di lingkungan kedubes itu yang beredar di seluruh dunia.
Adapun akhir lomba... pintu lab saya mendapat penghargaan pintu paling creative... nice.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel), allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle, a nozzle, or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. Syringes are often used to administer injections, apply compounds such as glue or lubricant, and measure liquids.

The word "syringe" is derived from the Greek συριγξ syrinx = "tube" via back-formation of a new singular from its Greek-type plural "syringes" (συριγγες syringes)

Medical syringes
The threads of the Luer lock tip of this 12ml disposable syringe keep it securely connected to a tube or other apparatus. Hypodermic syringes are used with hypodermic needles to inject liquid or gases into body tissues, or to remove from the body. Injecting of air into a blood vessel is undesirable, as it may cause an air embolism; preventing embolisms by removing air from the syringe is one of the reasons for the familiar image of holding a hypodermic syringe upside down, tapping it, and expelling a small amount of liquid before an injection into the bloodstream.
The barrel of a syringe is made of plastic or glass, and usually has graduated marks indicating the volume of fluid in the syringe, and is nearly always transparent. Glass syringes may be sterilized in an autoclave. However, most modern medical syringes are plastic with a rubber piston, because this type seals much better between the piston and the barrel and because they are cheap enough to dispose of after being used only once, reducing the risk of spreading blood-borne diseases. Re-use of needles and syringes has caused spread of diseases, especially HIV and Hepatitis among intravenous drug users. Syringes are, however, commonly re-used by diabetics and this is safe, if the syringe is only used by one person.

Medical syringes are sometimes used without a needle for orally administering liquid medicines to young children or animals, or milk to small young animals, because the dose can be measured accurately, and it is easier to squirt the medicine into the subject's mouth instead of coaxing the subject to drink out of a measuring spoon.

Standard U-100 insulin syringes Insulin syringes are marked in insulin "units".Syringes for insulin users are designed for standard U-100 insulin. The dilution of insulin is such that 1 ml of insulin fluid has 100 standard "units" of insulin. Since insulin vials are typically 10 ml, each vial has 1000 units. Insulin syringes are made specifically for self injections and have friendly features:
shorter needles, as insulin injections are subcutaneous (under the skin) rather than intramuscular, finer gauge needles, for less pain, and markings in insulin units to simplify drawing a measured dose of insulin.

Multishot needle syringes
There are needle syringes designed to reload from a built-in tank (container) after each injection, so they can make several or many injections on a filling. These are not used much in human medicine because of the risk of cross-infection via the needle. An exception is the personal insulin autoinjector used by diabetic patients.

Governmental control of syringes
In some jurisdictions, the sale or possession of hypodermic syringes may be controlled or prohibited without a prescription, due to its potential use with illegal intravenous drugs.
Famous needle and syringe manufacturers
The largest needle and syringe producers worldwide have traditionally been of British origin. The centre of the needle and syringe industry in the United Kingdom was Redditch, near Birmingham.
The biggest needle and syringe company was Henry Milward & Sons, before this was taken over by a rival, Coats plc in the early 1970s.
The largest manufacturer of both syringes and hypodermic needles currently is BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), located in Franklin Lakes, NJ.

Non-medical uses
The syringe has many non medical applications.

Laboratory applications
Laboratory grease used to lubricate ground glass joints and stopcocks are sometimes loaded in syringes for easy applicationMedical-grade disposable hypodermic syringes are often used in research laboratories for convenience and low cost. They are often used for measuring and transferring solvents and reagents where a high precision is not required. Alternatively, microliter syringes can be used to measure and dose chemicals very precisely by using a small diameter capillary as the syringe barrel.

The polyethylene construction of these disposable syringes usually makes them rather chemically resistant. There is, however, a risk of the contents of the syringes leaching plasticizers from the syringe material. Non-disposable glass syringes may be preferred where this is a problem. Glass syringes may also be preferred where a very high degree of precision is important (i.e. quantitative chemical analysis), because their engineering tolerances are lower and the plungers move more smoothly. In these applications, the transfer of pathogens is usually not an issue.
Used with a long needle or cannula, syringes are also useful for transferring fluids through rubber septa when atmospheric oxygen or moisture are being excluded. Examples include the transfer of air-sensitive or pyrophoric reagents such as phenylmagnesium bromide and n-butyllithium respectively. Glass syringes are also used to inject small samples for gas chromatography (1 μl) and mass spectrometry (10 μl). Syringe drivers may be used with the syringe as well.
25ml re-usable glass hypodermic syringe, and inch cube for scale.[edit] CookingSome culinary uses of syringes are injecting liquids (such as gravy) into other foods, or for the manufacture of candies, such as Fruit Gushers.
Syringes may also be used when cooking meat to enhance flavor and texture by injecting juices inside the meat, and in baking to inject filling inside a pastry.

Syringes are used to refill ink cartridges with ink.
Sometimes a large hypodermic syringe is used without a needle for very small baby mammals to suckle from in artificial rearing.
Historically, large pumps that use reciprocating motion to pump water were referred to as syringes. Pumps of this type were used as early firefighting equipment.
There are fountain syringes where the liquid is in a bag or can and goes to the nozzle via a pipe. In earlier times, clyster syringes were used for that purpose.
Loose snus is often applied using modified syringes. The nozzle is removed so the opening is the width of the chamber. The snus can be packed tightly into the chamber and plunged into the upper lip. Syringes, called portioners, are also manufactured for this particular purpose.

Historical timeline
The first piston syringes were used in Roman times. during the 1st century AD Celsus mentiones the use of them to treat medical complications in his De Medicina. 9th century AD: The Iraqi/Egyptian surgeon Ammar ibn 'Ali al-Mawsili' created a syringe in the 9th century using a hypodermic needle, a hollow glass tube, and suction to remove cataracts from patients' eyes, a practice that remained in use up until at least the 13th century and which came into renewed use in the 20th century.
1650: Blaise Pascal invented a syringe (not necessarily hypodermic) as an application of what is now called Pascal's law.
1760: Forms of intravenous injection and infusion began.
1844: Irish physician Francis Rynd invented the hollow needle and used it to make the first recorded subcutaneous injections, specifically a sedative to treat neuralgia.
1853: Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood developed a medical hypodermic syringe with a needle fine enough to pierce the skin. Shortly thereafter, the first recorded fatality from a hypodermic-syringe induced overdose was Wood's wife from self administered morphine.
1946: Chance Brothers in Smethwick, Birmingham, England produce the first all-glass syringe with interchangeable barrel and plunger, thereby allowing mass-sterilisation of components without the need for matching them.
1956: New Zealand pharmacist and inventor Colin Murdoch granted New Zealand and Australian patents for a disposable plastic syringe.
1974: First US patent for a plastic disposable syringe received by African American inventor, Phil Brooks, U.S. patent #3,802,434 received on April 9, 1974.


Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Darah adalah cairan yang terdapat pada semua makhluk hidup(kecuali tumbuhan) tingkat tinggi yang berfungsi mengirimkan zat-zat dan oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh jaringan tubuh, mengangkut bahan-bahan kimia hasil metabolisme, dan juga sebagai pertahanan tubuh terhadap virus atau bakteri. Istilah medis yang berkaitan dengan darah diawali dengan kata hemo- atau hemato- yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani haima yang berarti darah.
serangga, darah (atau lebih dikenal sebagai hemolimfe) tidak terlibat dalam peredaran oksigen. Oksigen pada serangga diedarkan melalui sistem trakea berupa saluran-saluran yang menyalurkan udara secara langsung ke jaringan tubuh. Darah serangga mengangkut zat ke jaringan tubuh dan menyingkirkan bahan sisa metabolisme.
Pada hewan lain, fungsi utama darah ialah mengangkut
oksigen dari paru-paru atau insang ke jaringan tubuh. Dalam darah terkandung hemoglobin yang berfungsi sebagai pengikat oksigen. Pada sebagian hewan tak bertulang belakang atau invertebrata yang berukuran kecil, oksigen langsung meresap ke dalam plasma darah karena protein pembawa oksigennya terlarut secara bebas. Hemoglobin merupakan protein pengangkut oksigen paling efektif dan terdapat pada hewan-hewan bertulang belakang atau vertebrata. Hemosianin, yang berwarna biru, mengandung tembaga, dan digunakan oleh hewan crustaceae. Cumi-cumi menggunakan vanadium kromagen (berwarna hijau muda, biru, atau kuning oranye).

Darah manusia

Sampel darah manusia
Darah manusia adalah cairan
jaringan tubuh. Fungsi utamanya adalah mengangkut oksigen yang diperlukan oleh sel-sel di seluruh tubuh. Darah juga menyuplai jaringan tubuh dengan nutrisi, mengangkut zat-zat sisa metabolisme, dan mengandung berbagai bahan penyusun sistem imun yang bertujuan mempertahankan tubuh dari berbagai penyakit. Hormon-hormon dari sistem endokrin juga diedarkan melalui darah.
Darah manusia berwarna merah, antara merah terang apabila kaya oksigen sampai merah tua apabila kekurangan oksigen. Warna merah pada darah disebabkan oleh
hemoglobin, protein pernapasan (respiratory protein) yang mengandung besi dalam bentuk heme, yang merupakan tempat terikatnya molekul-molekul oksigen.
Manusia memiliki sistem peredaran darah tertutup yang berarti darah mengalir dalam
pembuluh darah dan disirkulasikan oleh jantung. Darah dipompa oleh jantung menuju paru-paru untuk melepaskan sisa metabolisme berupa karbon dioksida dan menyerap oksigen melalui pembuluh arteri pulmonalis, lalu dibawa kembali ke jantung melalui vena pulmonalis. Setelah itu darah dikirimkan ke seluruh tubuh oleh saluran pembuluh darah aorta. Darah mengedarkan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh melalui saluran halus darah yang disebut pembuluh kapiler. Darah kemudian kembali ke jantung melalui pembuluh darah vena cava superior dan vena cava inferior.
Darah juga mengangkut bahan bahan sisa metabolisme,
obat-obatan dan bahan kimia asing ke hati untuk diuraikan dan ke ginjal untuk dibuang sebagai air seni.
Darah terdiri daripada beberapa jenis korpuskula yang membentuk 45% bagian dari darah. Bagian 55% yang lain berupa cairan kekuningan yang membentuk medium cairan darah yang disebut
plasma darah.
Korpuskula darah terdiri dari:
-Sel darah merah atau eritrosit (sekitar 99%).
Eritrosit tidak mempunyai
nukleus sel ataupun organela, dan tidak dianggap sebagai sel dari segi biologi. Eritrosit mengandung hemoglobin dan mengedarkan oksigen. Sel darah merah juga berperan dalam penentuan golongan darah. Orang yang kekurangan eritrosit menderita penyakit anemia.
-Keping-keping darah atau trombosit (0,6 - 1,0%)
Trombosit bertanggung jawab dalam proses
pembekuan darah.
Leukosit bertanggung jawab terhadap sistem imun tubuh dan bertugas untuk memusnahkan benda-benda yang dianggap asing dan berbahaya oleh tubuh, misal virus atau bakteri. Leukosit bersifat amuboid atau tidak memiliki bentuk yang tetap. Orang yang kelebihan leukosit menderita penyakit leukimia, sedangkan orang yang kekurangan leukosit menderita penyakit leukopenia.
-Plasma darah pada dasarnya adalah larutan air yang mengandung :-
bahan pembeku darah
immunoglobin (antibodi)
berbagai jenis
berbagai jenis
Eritrosit, Trombosit dan Leukosit
Luka bisa menyebabkan kehilangan darah yang parah. Trombosit menyebabkan darah membeku, menutup luka kecil, tetapi luka besar perlu dirawat dengan segera untuk mencegah terjadinya kekurangan darah. Kerusakan pada organ dalam bisa menyebabkan luka dalam yang parah atau hemorrhage.
Hemofilia merupakan kelainan genetik yang menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi dalam pembekuan darah seseorang. Akibatnya, luka kecil dapat membahayakan nyawa.
Leukemia merupakan kanker pada jaringan tubuh pembentuk sel darah putih. Penyakit ini terjadi akibat kesalahan pada pembelahan sel darah putih yang mengakibatkan jumlah sel darah putih meningkat dan kemudian memakan sel darah putih yang normal.
Pendarahan hebat, baik karena kecelakaan atau bukan (seperti pada operasi), dan juga penyakit darah seperti
anemia dan thalassemia, yang memerlukan transfusi darah. Beberapa negara mempunyai bank darah untuk memenuhi permintaan untuk transfusi darah. Penerima darah perlu mempunyai jenis darah yang sama dengan penyumbang.
Darah juga merupakan salah satu "vektor" dalam penularan penyakit. Salah satu contoh penyakit yang dapat ditularkan melalui darah adalah
AIDS. Darah yang mengandung virus HIV dari makhluk hidup yang HIV positif dapat menular pada makhluk hidup lain melalui sentuhan antara darah dengan darah, sperma, atau cairan tubuh makhluk hidup tersebut. Oleh karena penularan penyakit dapat terjadi melalui darah, objek yang mengandung darah dianggap sebagai biohazard atau ancaman biologis.
Dalam berbagai kepentingan diagnosis penyakit,
tekanan darah memiliki peranan yang amat penting.

Karena darah memiliki fungsi penting yang besar terhadap kehidupan, darah dikaitkan dengan beberapa kepercayaan.
Kristen percaya bahwa anggur upacara Ekaristi melambangkan darah Yesus Kristus yang ditumpahkan untuk menebus dosa manusia.
Vampir adalah makhluk fiksi yang dipercayai terus hidup dengan menghisap darah orang yang masih hidup.
Agama Islam melarang penganutnya memakan/meminum darah.
Dalam teori
Abad Pertengahan salah satu dari empat unsur badan, darah dikaitkan dengan unsur api dan riang dan pelahap yang dikenali sebagai mempunyai perwatakan "berdarah".

Stand RS. Pelni di Jalan Sudirman Car free day

Ada yang berbeda di car free day di jalan Sudirman hari ini, ada stand RS Pelni membuka pelayanan gratis pemeriksaan kesehatan bagi warga.
Pagi hari ini Warga Jakarta kembali bisa menikmati Car free day di jalan Sudirman.
Ada beberapa stand baik yang sosial maupun komersil yang berdiri terutama disekitar bundaran Hotel Indonesia.
Salah satunya dari RS Pelni yang pagi itu memanjakan warga yang sedang berolahraga maupun berjalan-jalan untuk memeriksakan dirinya secara gratis di stand mereka.
Dari yang saya lihat Stand RS Pelni memberikan pelayanan konsultasi kesehatan, pemeriksaan gula darah, chek tekanan darah dan facial dll

Salut buat RS Pelni..


Sejarah Singkat Labiomed

LABIOMED diawali dengan nama Pusat Laboratorium Pemindahan Darah (DTDAD). Berdasarkan Surat Perintah Kepala Jawatan Kesehatan Tentara Angkatan Darat Nomor : 250 / AK / VII / 50 tanggal 25 Juli 1950. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pengambilan darah, penyimpanan darah, pemindahan transfusi darah, larutan sitrat 3,8 %, pemeriksaan golongan darah dan produk uggulan pada periode ini adalah pembuatan plasma kering. Tahun 1958 DTDAD membuat larfus kemasan botol gelas (NaC1 0,9%, Darrow Glukosa, Glukosa 5% dan 10%, Ringer Laktat, ACD. dll ).

Tahun 1960, DTDAD berkembang menjadi Lembaga Darah Angkatan Darat (Ladahad) dengan kegiatan Litbang antara lain bidang produksi biomedis dan bidang pendidikan ( tahun 1964 dibukalah Sekolah Pengamat Kesehatan jurusan Laboratorium sebagai cikal bakal Sekolah Menengah Analis Kesehatan atau SMAK).

Pada tahun 1973, kegiatan Litbang produksi biomedis seperti vaksin dan sera maju dengan pesat, sehingga LADAHAD berubah menjadi Lembaga Biomedis (LABIOMED). Tahun 1980 terjadi kebakaran di LABIOMED Brawijaya XII dengan kerugian: hilangnya kemampuan produksi sera, vaksin, plasma kering, dokomen-dokumen, persediaan kuman dan peralatan litbang serta sebagian alat produksi rusak, yang tersisa adalah kegiatan Bank Darah, produksi cairan dan pendidikan SMAK.

Pada tahun 1984, kegiatan transfusi darah termasuk peralatan dan personel dipindahkan ke RSPAD Gatot Soebroto.

Tahun 1990 LABIOMED memfokuskan pada produksi pembuatan cairan infus botol gelas dikembangkan menjadi botol plastik. Kemampuan produksi cairan infus terus meningkat dengan bertambahnya pengadaan seperangkat mesin produksi baru buatan Taiwan.

Tanggal 26 Juni 1991 LABIOMED pindah ke lokasi baru J1. Buntu. Munjul, Kecamatan Cipayung, Jakarta Timur.

The 10 Commandments of Phlebotomy

The 10 Commandments of Phlebotomy

By Dennis J. Ernst, MT(ASCP)

Blood specimen collection is one of the most underestimated procedures in health care. Because it looks deceptively simple, nurses, clinical nursing assistants, radiologic technologists, respiratory therapists, physicians and others are all being asked to "take a stab" at phlebotomy.
Knowledge of vein selection, the order of draw, test-specific handling, storage and transportation requirements, anatomy of the antecubital area, safety precautions, alternative sites and other factors make phlebotomy a highly technical procedure that takes months to learn and apply.
Like any other procedure, there are certain established and indisputable rules collectors should apply in order to consistently perform venipunctures cleanly, safely, successfully and with little or no discomfort to the patient. Some of these rules are so fundamental they could be collectively referred to as the commandments of phlebotomy.

Since 10 is a popular number for commandments, let's comply with tradition even though the list is admittedly much longer.

1 Thou shalt protect thyself from injury.
Today, drawing a sample of blood can potentially expose the health care worker to at least 20 communicable diseases. Most of them are life threatening, some of them cause incurable and fatal disease, but all of them may be preventable if health care workers use appropriate caution, technique and equipment.
It has been estimated that 1 million health care workers sustain accidental needlesticks every year. Thousands of these workers will contract some form of hepatitis; 50-60 of them will become seropositive for HIV. Hollow-bore needles, the kind used for collecting blood, account for 68.5 percent of all accidental needlesticks, and the use of winged infusion ("butterfly") sets account for 35 percent of accidental needlesticks. Even more alarming is that up to 92 percent of accidental needlestick injuries suffered by laboratory personnel go unreported. Avoiding the use of winged infusion sets and using gloves, needle disposal units and proper technique can significantly minimize the risk of injury.
2 Thou shalt identify thy patients.
This means referring to an identifying bracelet affixed to the patient or asking the patient to state his or her name. Because sedated or semi-conscious patients can respond affirmatively to any question, go beyond seeking an affirmation of their identity and request they state their name in full.
In the case of an emergency room patient whose full identity has not been established, a temporary identifier such as an assigned number is acceptable but should be amended when complete information is available. When positive identification is not possible by either of these methods, have the patient's nurse or other caregiver identify the patient and document the name of the person who verified the patient's identity for you. No other methods are acceptable.
3 Thou shalt puncture the skin at about a 15 degree angle.
Most textbooks agree that a 15-30 degree angle of insertion is optimal. This low angle of entry allows for a greater margin of error in judging the depth of penetration and greatly reduces the risk of passing through the vein and provoking underlying structures such as nerves, tendons and arteries. This is not to say that we all must start carrying around protractors to measure our angles, but inserting the needle at as low an angle as possible minimizes the risk to the patient and facilitates a successful puncture.
As an expert witness in cases involving injury to patients during venipuncture procedures, a majority of the nerve injuries I see involve an excessive angle of insertion. Injure a patient while puncturing at a steep angle and you will have a difficult time convincing the jury that you are immune from the standards as set forth in the literature.
4 Thou shalt glorify the medial vein.
Of the three veins in the antecubital area acceptable for venipuncture, the median cubital vein (in the middle) is the vein of choice for four reasons: 1) it's more stationary; 2) puncturing it is less painful to the patient; 3) it's usually closer to the surface of the skin; and 4) it isn't nestled among nerves or arteries.
When conducting your survey of the antecubital area, check both arms for the medial vein before considering one of the alternatives. If one is not prominent enough to instill confidence, default to the cephalic vein on the lateral or thumb side of the arm as a second choice. Keep the basilic vein (located on the medial or inside aspect of the antecubital area) as a last resort. The proximity of underlying nerves and the brachial artery make punctures in the area of this vein highly risky. Most permanent nerve injuries and arterial nicks I see result from misguided punctures into this vein. That is not to say the basilic vein should not be punctured. In many cases it is the prominent vein in the antecubital area.
However, when it is not visible and/or the initial puncture is unsuccessful, probing the area subjects the patient to the potential for excruciating pain and permanent injury more so than probing in the area of the cephalic or medial veins.
5 Thou shalt invert tubes containing anticoagulants immediately after collection.
A high percentage of specimens rejected by laboratories are due to clots in lavender- or blue-stoppered tubes. A quick inversion after collection prevents a second puncture. If not inverted immediately upon filling, invert the tubes as soon as possible after the puncture.
Drawing blood from a syringe requires extra consideration to prevent clotting. The moment blood enters the barrel of the syringe the clotting process begins. If the time it takes to fill the syringe and evacuate the specimen into the tubes exceeds 1 minute, significant clotting may take place. Not only will this make it difficult to evacuate the specimen through the needle and into the tubes, but if the clots are small enough to go undetected they can affect the accuracy of the results.
6 Thou shalt attempt to collect specimens only from an acceptable site.
Antecubital and hand veins are acceptable sites unless their use is precluded by intravenous infusions, injury or mastectomy. Any other site should be approached with great trepidation.
The anterior, or palm side, of the forearm is particularly susceptible to injury because of the close proximity of nerves and tendons to the surface of the skin and should not be considered.
Foot and ankle veins can be acceptable sites for venipunctures in some facilities and on some patients. However, puncturing these veins can lead to thrombophlebitis and clot formation in patients with coagulopathies or to tissue necrosis in diabetics. Therefore, before puncturing foot and ankle veins, make sure the facility does not have a policy against such punctures and that the physician approves of the site.
7 Thou shalt label specimens at the bedside.
There is no excuse for not completely labeling a specimen at the bedside. This means complete identification, not just temporary identifiers to remind you when you find time to label them completely later.
Patients have died as a result of mislabeled specimens. Case in point: At a small Midwestern hospital, a lab tech drew a specimen of blood to determine the blood type of a patient. She left the room without properly labeling the specimen, drew two more patients, then returned to the lab to type them all simultaneously. After an interruption, she returned to her workstation, misidentified the specimens and typed the patient incorrectly. The patient received incompatible blood and subsequently died.
Although this concept of complete and accurate specimen identification has been trumpeted loudly and clearly for decades, delayed labeling practices persist. On one ward at a large hospital, collectors scrawled patients' last names on the caps of the tubes to facilitate complete labeling at a later time. The bottom line is without exception: label the specimen completely at the bedside.
8 Thou shalt stretch the skin at the puncture site.
Pulling down on the skin from below the intended puncture site with the thumb of your free hand anchors the vein and stretches the skin through which the needle will pass. Anchoring the vein is particularly important when drawing from the cephalic or basilic veins. Stretching the skin is the single most effective way to minimize the pain of the puncture.
Routinely employing this technique has two potential bonuses: your rate of successful punctures goes up and your patients thank you for considering their suffering.
9 Thou shalt know when to quit.
Not everyone can draw blood from every patient. Even those who elevate phlebotomy to an art form can have difficulty from time to time. This is because there are veins intentionally placed in the antecubitals of the population at random for the sole purpose of keeping skillful collectors from becoming legends in their own minds. After two failed attempts, one should seriously consider sending in someone else. That's professionalism. It also may be the answer to your patient's prayers.
10 Thou shalt treat all patients as if they are family.
In a hospital, the only peace many patients experience is that which health care professionals bring them by their kind words, gentle technique and their smiles. Regardless of how you think your life led you to hold a position as a health care professional, consider yourself assigned by a higher authority because of the comfort you can offer to the sick and injured in your own unique and compassionate way. You haven't been employed; you've been ordained.

1. Jagger, J. (1998). Rates of needlestick injury caused by various devices in a university hospital. N Engl J Med, 319(5), 284-288.
2. Carlsen, W., & Holding, R. (1998, April 13). Epidemic rages caregivers: thousands die from diseases contracted through needle sticks. San Francisco Chronicle.
3. Pallatroni, L. (1998). Needlesticks: Who pays the price when costs are cut on safety? MLO, 30(7), 30-31, 34-36, 88.
4. Carlsen, W., & Holding, R. (1998, April 14). High profits--at what cost? San Francisco Chronicle.
5. Jagger, J. Risky procedure, risky devices, risky job. Advances in Exposure Prevention, 1(1).
6. Garza, D., & Becan-McBride, K. (1999). Phlebotomy handbook: Blood collection essentials. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Dennis J. Ernst is director of the Center for Phlebotomy Education and also teaches phlebotomy at the University of Louisville School of Allied Health Sciences. Readers may purchase the author's "Ten Commandments of Phlebotmy" poster through the Center for Phlebotomy Education. The 16x20 four-color graphic can be viewed and ordered at

Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians Are Among Top Growth Jobs for Next Decade in US

U.S. News & World Report identifies medical technologists as among best career opportunities in healthcare.

Laboratory technologists and laboratory technicians are a top career for 2010, as identified by U.S. News & World Report’s (USNWR) new annual list of the top 50 careers list. Clinical laboratories will be pleased that the lab technologist career is third in the healthcare category, after X-ray technician and veterinarian.

Editors at U.S. News & World Report laud the role of laboratory techs, writing that “Clinical lab technicians and technologists are very much the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry.” USNWR’s 2010 career list ranks occupations in five categories according to anticipated job growth and median average income.

The analysis was based on the U.S. Labor Department’s latest job growth projections for 2008 to 2018. It highlights occupations that are expected to add jobs above the anticipated 10% average growth rate over the next decade and which will also provide a better-than-average median income.

Medical technologist (MT), clinical laboratory scientist (CLS), and medical laboratory technician (MLT) jobs are expected to rise 16%. The fastest job growth will come from clinical laboratories, pathology laboratories, and physician office laboratories (POLs). Last year, the pay range for a laboratory technologist was $28,420 to $44,310 and that puts overall median pay at $35,380, but U.S. News & World Report notes that some lab tech pay packages topped $54,000.

Here is USNWR’s list of America’s Best Careers 2010: Healthcare, with lab technician ranked as third:
1. X-ray technician
2. Veterinarian
3. Lab Technician
4. Physical Therapist
5. Occupational Therapist
6. Registered Nurse
7. Physician Assistant
8. Optometrist
9. Physical Therapist Assistant
10. Dental Hygienist
11. School Psychologist

The analysis done by U.S. News & World Report includes occupations in each category with a range of educational requirements and other data when available, including such factors as job satisfaction, work environment, opportunity for mobility, and turnover. Lab tech jobs in clinical laboratories were described as low-stress, but, similar to hospital patient-care areas, medical laboratories often require 24-hour coverage.

Preparation is relatively minimal in terms of cost and time compared to other healthcare professions. A medical laboratory technician requires typically just a technician certificate or two-year associates degree for an entry-level position in a clinical laboratory.
Another positive factor for job growth in MT, CLS, and MLT positions, according to USNWR, is the fact that health care stands out as the only industry that expanded payrolls during the recession due to increasing demand for healthcare services.

High demand for healthcare services over the last decade may be just a tip of the iceberg of what’s to come, however. Editors at U.S. News & World Report write that “The growth trend in healthcare is almost unstoppable: Millions and millions of aging baby boomers will continue to place a heightened demand on healthcare providers, as well as provide plenty of opportunity for medical innovation.”

Clinical laboratory managers and pathologists may want to make the U.S. News & World Report list of “50 Best Careers of 2010” part of their medical technologist recruiting package. It validates the fact that demand for MTs, CLS’, and MLTs will remain quite strong for many years into the future. – P. Kirk

Other article:

Laboratory Technician
As one of the 50 best careers of 2010, this should have strong growth over the next decade
By U.S. News Staff

Clinical lab technicians and technologists are very much the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry. You'll be behind the scenes, generating the critical data that physicians will use to make their diagnoses. You'll perform tests or prepare tissue specimens for examination. Phlebotomists are technicians who specialize in drawing blood. As a technician, you'll typically do less complex tests and procedures than a technologist, who would supervise your work. You'll need much less schooling to be a technician, though.

The outlook:
Job growth is expected to be faster than average, with the number of clinical lab workers rising about 16 percent. But you can count on even more opportunities thanks to retirements and turnover. Expect the most rapid growth in private diagnostic labs, as well as in physicians' offices.

Upward mobility:
The natural next step is to become a technologist. You'll most likely need to have additional education, as well as to become licensed—a requirement in some states. Technologists could move up into laboratory management roles.

Activity level:
Moderate. You're on your feet quite a bit, if not always moving.

Stress level:
Pretty low. You'll be working in a clean, well-lighted lab most of the time. Things could, however, get a little dicey if you're an entry-level technician at a hospital: You can expect to work nights, weekends, or holidays, and that can be stressful.

Education and preparation:
The lower-cost education is a highlight of this occupation. For entry-level work, you'll often need to have an associate's degree or to complete a certificate program. It is possible to learn some of your skills on the job.

You might be paid hourly, but median annual take-home pay was $35,380 last year. Half of technicians are paid between $28,420 and $44,310, but pay can top $54,000.

Hasil Diagnosa Komputer Medis

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Temannya menjawab, "Jangan dulu ke dokter. Ada komputer canggih di toko obat yang bisa mendiagnosa lebih cepat dan lebih murah daripada dokter. Cara menggunakannya mudah, cukup masukkan ke dalam komputer sampel air senimu dan komputer akan mendiagnosa masalahmu serta memberi tahu apa yang harus kamu lakukan terhadap penyakitmu. Biayanya hanya Rp. 8.500 saja. "

Bedul pikir tidak salah mencobanya. Dia mengisi tabung dengan sampel urin dan pergi ke toko obat. Mencari komputer dan menuangkan sampel kedalam komputer, serta menaruh uang Rp. 8.500. Komputer mulai bekerja dan membuat beberapa kebisingan dengan berbagai lampu mulai berkedip. Setelah beberapa saat, muncul secarik kertas kecil yang dicetak: siku tangan Anda terkilir. Rendam tangan Anda dalam air hangat dan hindari mengangkat berat, dalam waktu dua minggu akan membaik.

Sorenya di rumah Bedul masih memikirkan komputer medis yang canggih tersebut, dan dia pun mulai bertanya-tanya apakah komputer itu bisa ditipu. Bedul memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Dia mencampur air keran dengan sampel kotoran anjing peliharaannya dan sampel urin dari istri dan putrinya. Puncaknya, ia melakukan masturbasi dan menumpahkannya ke dalam ramuan itu.

Dia kembali ke toko obat, dimana komputer terletak, dan menuangkan sampel kedalamnya dan menaruh Rp. 8.500. Komputer bekerja lagi dan membuat suara biasa serta mencetak pesan berikut:

Air keran Anda terlalu keruh, gunakan penyaring air. Anjing Anda kurus dan sedang cacingan, beri dia obat cacing dan vitamin. Putri Anda menggunakan kokain, titipkan ia di sebuah klinik rehabilitasi. Istri Anda sedang hamil dengan bayi kembar, bayi-bayi itu bukan dari benihmu, ajukan saja perceraian. Dan satu lagi teramat penting, jika Anda tidak berhenti masturbasi, siku Anda yang ngilu karena terkilir akan sulit sembuhnya.